Skin Issues? Homeopathy can help!

Homeopathy offers a gentle and holistic approach to a wide range of skin conditions, providing relief and promoting overall well-being by treating the root cause rather than just the symptoms. What sets homeopathy apart is its focus on the whole body. The goal is to restore balance not only in the skin but entire person (or even animal).

People suffering from skin issues are often prescribed topical steroids, but long-term use of steroids can lead to a horrific condition called Red Skin Syndrome.

The pictures below are of the arms of two of my clients with red skin syndrome. Tragically, all their skin was affected, not only on the arms and legs.  As shocking as their appearance was, far worse was the profoundly disabling burning pain they experienced with intense itching and pin-prickling sensations. Both the appearance and the tremendous discomfort of the rash were helped by homeopathic remedies.   

This woman had been working with me to heal her colitis, asthma, food allergies, etc.  In January, her skin flared when she stopped using topical steroids.  Using homeopathy, you can see her skin’s improvement from January to April.  In addition, the relentless itching and pricking sensations were much improved.

This man had horrific skin issues in addition to severe heart problems.   When his medical doctors could offer him no solution, he turned to homeopathy for help.  You can see the huge improvement in his skin as well as the reduction in the swelling and ecchymosis in just a couple of months of using homeopathy.   I was learning homeopathy at this time and worked with a professional homeopath on this case. 

These are images of a teenager I worked with who had an allergic reaction for many months before engaging me.  Fortunately, since she did not use topical steroids to suppress her rash, it took less than one week to resolve it.

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These pictures demonstrate the tremendous healing power of homeopathic remedies. 

Working with a homeopath is generally ideal for more complicated skin issues. If you want to chat with us about how Sheena can assist you. She offers a free fifteen-minute phone conversation. That can be scheduled here. Please note that this is not a consultation. 

You can also email us for information about consultations with Sheena at

However, if you are a DIY person, you can learn to use homeopathy and help your family and friends. Sheena will be teaching an introductory homeopathy class starting September 14, 2023, to start you on your learning journey.

Whichever way you try it, homeopathy can be a blessing to you and your family.