Nauseated by food?

Are you ill or have you recovered from a recent illness but still don’t want to eat because the smell or sight of food makes you nauseous?

The homeopathic remedy Eupatorium is a fantastic flu remedy that matches many of the symptoms that people are experiencing these days, including feeling nauseous at the sight or smell of food.  This remedy may be effective even if it’s the only remaining symptom you have from your illness.

Eupatorium is helpful when…

In addition to being nauseated from the smell or sight of food, Eupatorium is great for an illness with the following symptoms (note you don’t have to have all of them):

  • High fever
  • Chilliness and a desire to be covered up
  • Severe headache with soreness in the eyeballs
  • Bone pain and muscle pain, often with restlessness and the inability to get comfortable
  • Hoarseness with a loose cough you may even feel the need to hold your chest because of the pain
  • Sinus pain and a runny nose with sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Some of the symptoms may come and go

So how do you choose between Eupatorium and Oscillococcinum?

I previously wrote about the homeopathic remedy Oscillococcinum, which is a very similar to  Eupatorium in its use when it comes to flus and colds. If you have flulike symptoms, including the symptoms attributed to coronavirus, then one of these two homeopathic remedies may be very helpful.


Both are helpful if you have headaches with an illness, but the Eupatorium headache is more severe and has soreness of the eyeballs. Meanwhile, the Oscillococcinum headache in this case has more of a bursting and throbbing sensation.


Again, both of these remedies may help with gastrointestinal issues relating to having an illness. However, in the case of Eupatorium you may be unable to eat because the smell or sight of food makes you nauseous. In addition, when you do eat or drink you may vomit until your stomach is completely empty and you are vomiting bile. In contrast, Oscillococcinum is more likely to involve abdominal cramping and diarrhea.


Both of these homeopathic remedies include body aches and pains along with a cold or flu. However the pain with Eupatorium is excruciating and includes bone pain.

You can use both…

You may even find that you benefit from both of these remedies starting with Oscillococcinum at the beginning of illness and some even use it preventatively when others around them have the flu. Then as the illness progresses or if you have lingering issues once the illness is complete, Eupatorium may be just what you need.

How to use…

In Robin Murphy’s Nature’s Materia Medica, he notes that Eupatorium is used in both tincture and all potencies. In general, homeopathic remedies in a 30C can be purchased locally at stores such as Whole Foods, Vitamin Shoppe, etc. this is a good potency to use if you are new to homeopathy.  You can simply follow the instructions on the bottle or box.